by Hassan Ajami
This book is a collection of philosophical poems expressing the dilemmas facing a modern Sufi. It conveys different ideas of Sufism, such as the oneness of being and the illusion of the universe. The main character of this book is a lost Sufi who becomes one with everything and hence loses one’s distinctive identity. The Sufi is torn between his or her infinite selves, and lost between the genes of cavemen and memes of modern men. Consequently, the lost Sufi criticizes modernity, and portrays civilization as being based on terror.
About the Author
Hassan Ajami is an author and freelance journalist, and teaches Arabic language, culture and Islamic philosophy. He published nineteen books in Arabic covering different topics, such as philosophy, literature, culture and language. He is known in the Arab world as a defender of science, democracy and humanism. In addition, he published two books in English entitled “Arab-Islamic Communication & Arabic Language” and “A Short Philosophical and Poetic Journey”.