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The Dark Revery Series Book 2: Trepidation


by Timothy Woolsey

Things intensify as Todd continues his plan to save his brother Ryan. His secret about the Djinn becomes harder to disguise under the explanations of hypnosis when the Djinn war against humans begins to take shape.  Todd works hard to manage the situations that come up, but now finds himself battling on two fronts, the physical world and the dream plain.

The Midnight Train – The Revery Series


by Timothy D. Woolsey

Todd, a 16 year old boy, is visited by a Djinn named Amal who shows him glimpses of his previous life as a Djinn and the war that he and his siblings have been a part of long before they became human. Todd discovers that an old enemy, named Dima, has possessed his brother Ryan and is slowly ripping his soul from him. Todd must convince his family and friends to help him place Ryan under hypnosis and fight on what Todd has come to call the Dream Plain.